21 January 2011

Free joomla template for news site

Create a news site with joomla platform, it takes an interesting view, there is a flash facility, and the picture on the front. can show some important news in front. joomla templates by adding extensions to this news is very fitting for your use.

Youbumpit features:

* 100% Tableless Design
* XHTML Valid
* CSS Valid
* 508 Valid
* 12 fully collapsible module positions
* 3 Additional module styles for each color
* PSD files included
* Joomla 1.5 template
* Default Suckerfish dropdown menu
* SMooth Dropdown menu (using mootools)
* Dropline menu
* SMooth Dropline menu
* Split menu
* 4 new color styles
* Server side Compression New!
* You Bumpit plugin New! Joomla 1.5 and 1.0 Native
* You Bumpit module New! Joomla 1.5 and 1.0 Native
* YJNS3 Module New!
* YJNS4 Module New!
* YJ Newsflash 2 Module New!
* Light weight and blazing fast
* Demo Starter Joomla 1.5.9
* Extended Typography styles
* IE6 png fix
* Adjustable width 1024px 800px
* Font resizing
* SEO features build in

Download please visit: http://www.cocut.cn
Demo :http://joomla1.5.youjoomla.info/youbumpit/index.php


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