11 August 2010

Free Joomla Template JS Education

This is the most suitable template for joomla web educational, university. with the view that good and simple. but to have it you need to register!

Despite being free, it has some of the great features you'll see in our commercial templates:
* Joomla 1.0+ compatible
* Mambo 4.5.2.X compatible
* 3 column layout with collapsible columns
* 7 total fully collapsible module locations
* Dynamic font resizer
* Four great color variations
* Easy to edit header/logo
* Dropdown suckerfish CSS for extended menu included
* Easily customizable to be used in Fluid or Fixed-width configurations
* Fast loading low bandwidth design
* W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional. W3C CSS Valid
* Accessible - Section 508 and WAI
Demo | Visit the site, to register and download


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